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Standing 100 feet off the shores of the vast Sapphire Lake are the ruins of a small fortress standing atop a rocky islet. The fortress belonged to a lich posing as a warlord from the Kingdom of Old Hagada, but fell rapidly into ruin when the Shrouded Hero was able to pierce the lich with the Blade of Five Seals. The lich cursed the assassin and his incompetent guards with his final breath. He cursed them to the same fate, their bodies petrifying and all of their souls being sealed in the Sheath of Five Seals. Afterwards, the warlord’s armies were defeated on the battlefield and the fortress became abandoned.

About the Adventure

In this short 3rd level dungeon crawl, the party investigate a ruined island fortress to solve a mysterious puzzle box. You can run this as a one-shot or plop this into your campaign world with minimal effort.
The adventure is designed for Shadowdark RPG and references the core rulebook. If you're an experienced game master, you could convert the adventure to whatever system you prefer.


  • 11 chambers to explore and plunder
  • 3 new statblocks for custom enemies
  • New gunpowder weapons
  • 2 new magic items
  • Deadly encounters
  • Punctual room descriptions designed for ease of running

Shadowdark Independent Game Jam 2023

This adventure was created as part of the 2023 Shadowdark RPG Independent Game Jam. It has been playtested once and it was blast! The party spent about 2 sessions exploring the ruins.


Ruins of the Immortal Warlord is an independent product published under the Shadowdark RPG Third-Party License and is not affiliated with The Arcane Library, LLC. Shadowdark RPG © 2023 The Arcane Library, LLC. Module text © 2023 Trident Gamebooks, LLC.


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Ruins of The Immortal Warlord.pdf 6.1 MB


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AMAZING! This sounds so fun! I love the extra stuff going on and the initial premise is also really cool. Between that and the new monsters, items and magic items it's a great pick up.

Also, love the treasure variation. Having neat stuff that's not just gold is vital if you ask me!


A lean, mean player-thrilling machine of an adventure, this looks to be rich in history, setting and flexibility, but light on strict detail. The streamlined bullet points of relevant details make it swift and adaptable for GMs to use. Great work!